
The R4i gold cards network first logging!

NDSi in November 2008 officially on sale, a month later by the first AK2i, DSTTi, EZ5i, and then to the nearest iTouchDS and SCONEi officially entered the war, now after half a year's time.
Recently, our players NET pingcezhongxin received a new gold R4i flashcard, it uses a rather ornate packaging, looks like before few cottage R4 feel different, and it's the official website of the domain name is "r4ids"card, with old version R4 official website of the r4ds "consistent, whether on behalf of the" gold R4i "with old version R4 what ties existed between? here for unnecessary speculation, the following screen, the player will be on the Gold version of pingcezhongxin R4i for a series of tests to see if it would go beyond the old version R4.

